
Shared utilities for writing Intake-ESM builders and their parsers

Module Contents#


get_timeinfo(ds, filename_frequency, time_dim)

Get start date, end date and frequency of a xarray dataset. Stolen and adapted from the


Parse an ACCESS model filename and return a file id and any time information

parse_access_ncfile(file[, time_dim])

Get Intake-ESM datastore entry info from an ACCESS netcdf file

exception access_nri_intake.source.utils.EmptyFileError#

Bases: Exception

Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Exception.add_note(note) – add a note to the exception


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

access_nri_intake.source.utils.get_timeinfo(ds, filename_frequency, time_dim)#

Get start date, end date and frequency of a xarray dataset. Stolen and adapted from the cosima cookbook, see COSIMA/cosima-cookbook

ds: :py:class:`xarray.Dataset`

The dataset to parse the time info from

time_dim: str

The name of the time dimension


Parse an ACCESS model filename and return a file id and any time information

filename: str

The filename to parse with the extension removed

file_id: str

The file id constructed by redacting time information and replacing non-python characters with underscores

timestamp: str

A string of the redacted time information (e.g. “1990-01”)

frequency: str

The frequency of the file if available in the filename

access_nri_intake.source.utils.parse_access_ncfile(file, time_dim='time')#

Get Intake-ESM datastore entry info from an ACCESS netcdf file

file: str

The path to the netcdf file

time_dim: str

The name of the time dimension
